Employee sentiment rebounded in February

February 18, 2025

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The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index rebounded in February, climbing five points to match the record high set in July 2024.

Employee sentiment improved or held steady in nearly every sector. Information climbed six points to 156, setting a new record high for the second month in a row. Retail and wholesale trade rose 16 points to 140, also marking a new record high. The volatile real estate sector saw its biggest month-over-month increase since July 2024, adding 19 points to 105.

Transportation and warehousing was the only sector to experience a decline in February. Sentiment fell for the second straight month, shedding five points to 152.

“Improved worker sentiment aligns with ADP hiring data,” said Dr. Mary Hayes, director of People and Performance Research at ADP Research. “Positive sentiment toward the overall employment picture could signal growing stability from a worker perspective.”

The Employee Motivation and Commitment Index tracks how people think and feel about their jobs and employers. ADP Research collects data each month using a panel survey to gather a stratified, random panel sample of 2,500 U.S. workers. This month’s survey was fielded Feb. 4-5, 2025.

By providing a real-time measure of the state of worker allegiance, the index can tell us whether people are flourishing in their jobs or detaching.

ADP Research publishes the EMC Index on the third Tuesday of every month. The next release will be Mar. 18. For EMC Index historical data, visit the ADP Research Data Lab.