March 25, 2025

Anchors aweigh

Stock markets are choppy, and a fog has descended on the economic outlook. That has business leaders and market watchers on the hunt for signs in the economic data to guide them. However, one of the most important drivers of the economy can’t easily be seen even when skies are clear: anchors. These are rules of thumb that, for better or worse, guide how people make decisions.
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March 7, 2024

Long-distance work and domestic offshoring

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

ADP data shows how long-distance working relationships are concentrating leadership in metro areas with expensive housing.
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Cross-metro workers' share of employment. Shows share of workers who are cross-metro by month-year compared to pre-pandemic trend. Source: ADP payroll and HR data.
Cross-metro workers' share of employment. Shows share of workers who are cross-metro by month-year compared to pre-pandemic trend. Source: ADP payroll and HR data.

November 8, 2023

The growing prevalence of cross-metropolitan work

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

Collaborating on work from different places is nothing new, but the normalization of remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic has helped take the phenomenon to a whole new level, a shift that ADP data is uniquely well positioned to study.
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May 23, 2023

Domestic offshoring: How housing costs are sorting work across U.S. cities

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

Economic and political power has historically been concentrated in a small number of command-and-control cities, which serve as nerve centers for business, ideas, and influence. In recent decades, a growing regional divide between costly and affordable U.S. cities has been joined by technological innovations that make it easier for people in different places to collaborate.
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May 23, 2023

Domestic offshoring: A city-by-city analysis

by Issi Romem, Ph.D.

Throughout history, economic and political power has concentrated in key cities, hubs of business, technology, ideas, and influence that thrive as command-and-control centers of the broader economy. Now a transformation is underway.
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