The Global Study of Engagement | 2018

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The Global Study of Engagement 2018

July 01, 2018 | read time icon 20 min

by Dr. Mary Hayes, Dr. Fran Chumney, Dr. Corinne Wright, Marcus Buckingham

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In our continued endeavor to understand the shifts in engagement around the world, we have surveyed a random sample of 19,346 full-time and part-time employees across 19 countries. This study repeated a similar global study we conducted across 13 countries. We asked employees about many aspects of how they view their work, including a validated eight-question measure of engagement developed over the last decade.

From our prior research, we know that being “Fully Engaged” at work is the best predictor of improved work performance and productive behaviors. So, we also examined the conditions present for workers who are “Fully Engaged” at work and contrasted this with the conditions of workers who are simply, “Coming to Work” — workers who aren’t necessarily disengaged but not contributing all that they could.

This research reveals what drives engagement most and how to create an environment for these drivers to occur inside an organization. Download the Technical Report for a complete description of our methods and findings, and to learn more about the importance of teams, team leader trust, and the ability for workers to use their strengths every day.

The Global Study of Engagement Research Report

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